All of my lesson activities are available for purchase on TpT and many are listed as FREE! Go check them out!
Monitoring growth
It can be hard to monitor the growth of littles when you see as many as I do in a week! I created these monitoring documents to keep track of my students growth in regards to my educator goals.
One of my goals is to improve students understanding and recognition of cognates. So, I created a cognate list sheet. Each class, students arrive and participate in FVR (Free Voluntary Reading) I have a classroom library where students select a book to read during that time and are tasked with finding a word that they didn't know before reading but think they know now because it is a cognate. They keep track of the cognates they find on the above sheet.
Another goal is to improve my students ability to recognize and correctly respond to question words. I don't know about you but question words ALWAYS trip up my students. I've tried posting them in the class and various other methods for improving their recall. So, I made a guide sheet to encourage me to keep better track of their understanding and remind me to continue with the struggle that is getting students to remember them!
Curated Lists
I know that sometimes we need a quick activity that doesn't require much brain power. So, I created these curated lists of activities that I have vetted and think are great additions to any classroom. They are all FREE and should require little to no prep!